Pendio scivoloso Molti italiani mi chiedono perché ho lasciato Canada. Beh, qui è uno dei motivi. La neve! Un scivoloso, strada coperta di neve a Montreal ha dimostrato di essere molto fastidioso per automobili, autobus, veicoli della polizia, camion e spazzaneve ieri mattina. Come Willem …
English Training / Creator of Customized English Training
Creator of Customized English English Training English Training è una scuola d’inglese per i privati e per le aziende. Con i suoi metodi innovativi riesce ad andare in contro alle esigenze di tutti i suoi …
Corsi inglese – Climate Change
Corsi inglese – Climate change – 610 MEPs voted in favour of the EU ratifying the UN agreement on climate protection struck in Paris 9 months ago© European Union 2016 -EP The UNFCCC Paris Agreement on fighting climate change, the first-ever universal, legally binding …
Italy Has Dropped to 86th Position in Economic Freedom Index
ITALY HAS DROPPED TO 86th position in Economic Freedom Index. Canada, my native country, is in the top five of economically free countries, according to a new Fraser Institute report which was released today. The annual Economic Freedom of the World report, released today by …
Corsi Inglese – Show Me – Do Not Tell Me
SHOW ME – DO NOT TELL ME Yesterday my neighbour, a young student and graduate of economics, who has finally landed a good starting position as a trainee in a multinational corporation in Milan, reached out and contacted me on Skype last night saying …
English Training Sponsors Bikini Contest
English Training sponsors bikini contest This summer, yours truly, Vincent C. Torrieri, CEO and founder of English Training, sponsored a BIKINI contest. The winner of Miss English Training was the lovely young model Ms. Jessica Pomposo of Pescara. All the young ladies were beautiful. Fortunately …
Corso Inglese: Legal Case: The Bathroom – Men/Women and now Other
Corso Inglese: Legal Case: The Bathroom – Men/Women and now Other ‘Men,’ ‘Women’ being flushed; it will say ‘We don’t care’ on new gender-neutral toilets at the Canadian National Exhibition. The WCs (water closets) will even be marked with a half-man, half-woman version of the …
Corso Inglese – Italy Needs Compulsory Earthquake Insurance
Corso Inglese – Italy Needs Compulsory Earthquake Insurance PESCARA – Since I have lived in Italy, which is about twenty years, I have made several futile attempts to acquire earthquake insurance for my Italian home. The reason most of the “reputable” insurance companies have denied …
Corso inglese – Business Negotiations
Business Negotiations I remember a business certificate course I attended in Canada and one of the business workshops focused on business negotiations. Part of the game was to learn how to Haggle. What is haggle? ˈhaɡ(ə)l/ verb to dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of …
Domande Frequenti per corsi inglese
Domande Frequenti per corsi inglese 1) Quante volte alla settimana serve frequentare un corso di lingua per poter raggiungere un livello buono di comunicazione e di comprensione di una lingua straniera? Dipende dal livello di conoscenza da cui uno parte, ma soprattutto dalla motivazione e …