-Let’s have Fun In the Sun
(The advantages of Skype Lessons)
–Independence – YOU have the power to decide when to do the lesson.
Flexibility – 24/7 – YOU can always find 30 minutes in your busy schedule.
Convenience – YOU can multi-task. Play on the beach with your friends and still find time to learn.
Esclusive – One to One.
The Coach – A Journalist and Language Consultant with years of experience, education and energy.
Book Now – Before the €7.99 offer ends.
Tu ed il tuo insegnante vi incontrerete in tempo reale nell’aula virtuale dotata delle stesse potenzialità di un’aula presenziale, e ancora di più: lavagna, visualizzatore del materiale didattico, chat, visualizzazione di contenuti web, e molto di più!