Corso Inglese: Legal Case: The Bathroom – Men/Women and now Other ‘Men,’ ‘Women’ being flushed; it will say ‘We don’t care’ on new gender-neutral toilets at the Canadian National Exhibition. The WCs (water closets) will even be marked with a half-man, half-woman version of the …
August 2016
Corso Inglese – Italy Needs Compulsory Earthquake Insurance
Corso Inglese – Italy Needs Compulsory Earthquake Insurance PESCARA – Since I have lived in Italy, which is about twenty years, I have made several futile attempts to acquire earthquake insurance for my Italian home. The reason most of the “reputable” insurance companies have denied …
Corso inglese – Business Negotiations
Business Negotiations I remember a business certificate course I attended in Canada and one of the business workshops focused on business negotiations. Part of the game was to learn how to Haggle. What is haggle? ˈhaɡ(ə)l/ verb to dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of …
Domande Frequenti per corsi inglese
Domande Frequenti per corsi inglese 1) Quante volte alla settimana serve frequentare un corso di lingua per poter raggiungere un livello buono di comunicazione e di comprensione di una lingua straniera? Dipende dal livello di conoscenza da cui uno parte, ma soprattutto dalla motivazione e …