English Training: Number of Married People Plunges in Italy

Statistics Show Big Rise in Divorce and Drop in Marriages 

          ISTAT – The Italian national institute of statistics – –

said in September that the number of people in wedlock in Italy has plunged over the last three decades.

         English Training (Place the missing words in the gap)

According to ISTAT, the percentage of men who are _______ in the 25-34 age group went from 51.5% in 1991 to 19.1% this year.

Moreover, the rate declined from 69.5% to 34.3% for women.

And in the 45-54 age group, almost a quarter of the men have never taken a wedding vow, while 18% of women in the same age group are spinsters.

ISTAT also reported the number of divorced people increased substantially in all age groups — going from around 376,000 in 1991 to over 1.6 million.

Fewer marriages, more divorces

In the 28 EU member states, since 1965, marriages have declined to nearly 50%. Meanwhile, divorce rates have nearly doubled during the same period.


In the U.S., marriage is down


One in four parents living with a child in the United States today are unmarried, up from 7% in  1968. A growing share of unmarried parents are cohabitating partners.


In the U.S., 48% of American adults say they are married. A higher than average share of adults are married in certain religious groups.

The trend is to be solo

In the past 10 years, the share of American adults and European adults living without a spouse or partner has climbed to 42%, up from 39% in 2007.

English Training – wedding vocabulary



Pop the question

Down on one knee

Engagement ring


Wedding band

Wedding dress


Rehearsal dinner


Bridal shower

Bachelor party

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Written by

Vincent Towerpast

English Language Consultant for Business English courses and Journalist - Foreign Correspòndent